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PCSN Special Issue for the Journal of Climate
PCSN related publications:
- sharp & wang 2009, 1.05 Mb
- gardner&sharp2009annals, 0.4 Mb
- Berthier, E. and T.Toutin, SPOT5-HRS digital elevation models and the monitoring of glacier elevation changes in North-West Canada and South-East Alaska, RSE, 3.93 Mb
- Justino, F., and W. R. Peltier, Climate Anomalies Induced by the Arctic and Antarctic Oscillations - Glacial Maximum and Present Day Perspectives, J. Climate, 2007, 2.6 Mb
- Carlson_Stoner_Donnelly_Hillaire_Marcel_Geology_2008, 0.38 Mb
- Gajewski, K. 2008. Comment on Abrupt environmental change in Canada's northernmost lake inferred from diatom and fossil pigment stratigraphy, GRL, 2008, 0.08 Mb
- Hetherington, R., E. Wiebe, A. J. Weaver, S. L. Carto, M. Eby, R. MacLeod, Climate, African and Beringian subaerial continental shelves, and migration of early peoples, Quat. International, 2008, 1.03 Mb
- Hillaire-Marcel and DeVernal, Comment on Mixed Layer Deepening during H1, Science, 2008, 0.07 Mb
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- Lemieux, J.L., et al (inc. W.R. Peltier and L. Tarasov). Dynamics of groundwater recharge and seepage over the Canadian landscape during the Wisconsinian glaciation. J. Geophys. Res. 113, F01011, doi.1-1029.2007JF0008,2008, 1.02 Mb
- Meissner, K. J., M. E. Eby, A. J. Weaver, CO2 threshold for millennial-scale oscillations in the climate system - implications for global warming scenarios, Climate Dyn., 2008, 1.6 Mb
- Montenegro, A., C. Avis, A. Weaver, Modeling the prehistoric arrival of the sweet potato in Polynesia, J. Archaeological Sci., 2008, 0.68 Mb
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- Peros, M and K Gajewski. Testing the reliability of pollen-based diversity estimates. Journal of Paleolimnology 40 357-368. doi 10.1007s10933-007-9166-2, 2008, 0.44 Mb
- Peros, M, K Gajewski & A Viau. 2008. Continental-scale tree population response to rapid climate change and competition. Global Ecology and Biogeography doi 10.1111j.1466-8238.2008.00406.x, 2008, 1.53 Mb
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- D'Orgeville, M., and W.R. Peltier, On the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation - Might they be related, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2007, 0.21 Mb
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- Fyfe, J.C, O.A. Saenko, K. Zickfeld, M. Eby and A.J. Weaver, The Role of Poleward-Intensifying Winds on Southern Ocean Warming, J. Climate, 2007, 0.87 Mb
- Gajewski, K, A Viau and M Sawada. Millennial-scale climate variations in the Holocene - the terrestrial record. Pp 133-154 in Kutzbach, G, Ed. Climate Variability and Change Past, Present and Future,2007, 2.19 Mb
- Galbraith, E. D, S. L. Jaccard, T. F. Pedersen, D. M. Sigman, G. H. Haug, M. Cook, J. R. Southon, and R. Francois,Carbon dioxide release from the North Pacific abyss during the last deglaciation, Nature, 2007, 0.44 Mb
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- Jansen E. et al including W.R. Peltier, Paleoclimatology, Chapter 6 in Climatre Change 2007. WG 1 Reprt of the IPCC, 2007, 19.68 Mb
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- McKay, J. L, T.F. Pedersen, and A. Mucci, Chemical Geology, Sedimentary redox conditions in continental margin sediments (N.E. Pacific) - Influence on the accumulation of redox-sensitive trace metals, Chem. Geol. 2007, 0.99 Mb
- Montenegro, A., M. Eby, A. J. Weaver, S.R. Jane, Ocean Modelling, Response of a climate model to tidal mixing parameterization under present day and last glacial maximum conditions, 2007, 0.8 Mb
- Montenegro, A., V. Brovkin, M. Eby, D. Archer, and A. J. Weaver, Long term fate of anthropogenic carbon, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2007, 0.41 Mb
- Moran, T.A., S.J. Marshall, E.C. Evans and K.E. Sinclair,Altitudinal Gradients of Stable Isotopes in Lee-Slope Precipitation in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, AAAR, 2007, 1.41 Mb
- Peltier, W.R. , Rapid climate change and Arctic Ocean freshening, Geology 35, no.12, doi10.1130focus.22007.1, 2007, 0.19 Mb
- Peltier, W.R. , Yonggang Liu and John W. Crowley Snowball Earth prevention by dissolved organic carbon remineralization, Nature 450, doi.10.1038.nature06354, 2007, 3.63 Mb
- Peltier, W.R., History of Earth Rotation, in Volume 9 of the Treatise on Geophysics, G. Schubert Editor, pp. 243-293, Elsevier Press, Oxford, 2007, 66.58 Mb
- Peltier, W.R.,Postglacial Coastal Evolution. Ice-Ocean-Solid Earth Interactions in a Period of Rapid Climate Change,in . Harff et al. eds, GSA Books Inc., Boulder Colorado, pages 5-28, 2007, 5.1 Mb
- Radi, T., V. Pospelova, A. de Vernal, and J. V. Barrie, Dinoflagellate cysts as indicators of water quality and productivity in British Columbia estuarine environments, Marine, Micropaleontology,2007, 3.76 Mb
- Rennermalm, A.K., E.F. Wood, A.J. Weaver, M. Eby, and S.J. Dery, Relative sensitivity of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation to river discharge into Hudson Bay and the Arctic Ocean, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2007, 0.58 Mb
- Saenko, O.A., A.J. Weaver, D.Y. Robitaille, and G.M. Flato, Warming of the subpolar Atlantic triggered by freshwater discharge at the continental boundary, Geophys, Res. Lett., 2007, 0.67 Mb
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- Tarasov, L., and W.R. Peltier, Co-evolution of continental ice cover and permafrsot extent over the last glacial-interglacial cycle in North America, J. Geophys. Res.112, F02S08, doi10.1029.2006JF000661,2007, 0.65 Mb
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- Weaver, A.J, M. Eby, M. Kienast, and O.A. Saenko, Response of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation to increasing atmospheric CO2 - Sensitivity to mean climate state, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2007, 0.17 Mb
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- Wu, X., L. Deng, X. Song, G. Vettoretti, W.R. Peltier, and G.J. Zhang, Impact of a modified convective scheme on the MJO and ENSO in a coupled model, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2007, 0.45 Mb
- Zazo, C. et. al, Quaternary marine terraces on Sal Island (Cape Verde archipelago), Quat, Sci. Rev, 2007, 2.51 Mb
- Zickfeld, K., J. C. Fyfe, O. A. Saenko, M. Eby, and A. J. Weaver, Geophys. Res. Lett., Response of the global carbon cycle to human-induced changes in Southern Hemisphere winds, 2007, 0.24 Mb
- Solignac, S., J. Giraudeau, and A. de Vernal, Holocene sea surface conditions in the western North Atlantic Spatial and Temporal heterogeneities, Paleoceanography, 2006 , 1.34 Mb
- Berthier, E. et al., Biases of SRTM in high-mountain areas. Implications for the monitoring of glacier volume changes, Geophysical Research Letters, 33, 2006, 0.26 Mb
- CAPE members (inc. S. Marshall), Last Interglacial Arctic warmth confirms polar amplification of climate change, Quat. Sci. Rev., 2006, 0.53 Mb
- Channell, J.E.T., et al. and the IODP Expeditions 303 nad 306 Scientists, IODP Expeditions 303 and 306 monitor Miocene-Quaternary climate in the North Atlantic. Scientific Drilling, No. 2, 4-10, 2006, 0.25 Mb
- de Vernal, A. and Hillaire-Marcel, C., Provincialism in trends and high frequency changes in the northwest North Atlantic during the Holocene. Global and Planetary Change 54, 263-290, 2006, 2.41 Mb
- de Vernal, A. et al., Comparing proxies for the reconstruction of LGM sea-surface conditions in the northern North Atlantic. Quaternary Science Reviews 25, 2006, 1.23 Mb
- Englanda, J. , N. Atkinsona, J. Bednarskib, A.S. Dykec, D.A. Hodgsonc, C. O Cofaigh, The Innuitian Ice Sheet configuration, dynamics and chronology, Quat. Sci. Rev.,2006, 1.17 Mb
- Finkelstein, S., K. Gajewski and A. Viau, Taxonomic resolution and the postglacial history of the forests of eastern North America analysis from the NAPD, Journal of Ecology, 94, 415-430,2006, 2.77 Mb
- Fisher, F. et al (inc A. de Vernal and C. Hillaire-Marcel, Natural variability of Arctic sea ice over the Holocene, EOS, 87, 2006, 0.44 Mb
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- Frchette, B., Wolfe, A.P., Miller, G.H., Richard, P.J.H., and de Vernal, A., Vegetation and climate of the last interglacial on Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. Palaeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeocecology 236, 91-106, 2006, 0.95 Mb
- Fyke, J. G., and A. J. Weaver, The Effect of Potential Future Climate Change on the Marine Methane Hydrate Stability Zone, J. Climate, 2006, 1.24 Mb
- Gajewski, K., A. Viau, M. Sawada, D. Atkinson and P. Fines, Synchronicity in climate and vegetation transitions between Europe and North America during the Holocene, Climatic Change ,78, 341-361, DOI.10.1007s10584-006-9048-z, 2006, 0.61 Mb
- Gregory, J. M. et al., A model intercomparison of changes in the Atlantic Themohaline Circulation in response to increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L12703, 2006, 0.17 Mb
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- Hendy, I.L., Pedersen, T.F., Oxygen minimum zone expansion in the eastern tropical North Pacific during deglaciation, Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L20602, 2006, 0.58 Mb
- Kageyama, M. et al., Last Glacial Maximum Temperatures over the North Atlantic, Europe and Western Siberia, Quaternary Science Reviews, 25, 2082-2102, 2006, 2.39 Mb
- Marshall, S. J., and M. R. Koutnik, Ice sheet action versus reaction - Distinguishing between Heinrich events and Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles in the North Atlantic, 2006, 1.64 Mb
- Marshall, S.J. et al., Modelling Vatnajokull Ice Cap Dynamics, Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, 2006, 3.92 Mb
- Masson-Delmotte, V. and co-authors (inc. Vettoretti and Peltier), Past and future polar amplification of climate change - Climate model intercomparisons and ice-core constraints, Climate Dyn., 2006, 0.48 Mb
- Montenegro, A., R. Heatherington, M. Eby, A. Weaver, Modelling pre-historic transoceanic crossings into the Americas, Quat. Sci. Rev., 2006, 0.84 Mb
- Otto-Bliesner, B. et al., Simulating Arctic climate warmth and ice sheet retreat in the last interglaciation, Science, 311, 2006, 0.22 Mb
- Peltier, W.R., G. Vettoretti, and M. Stastna, Atlantic Meridional Overturning and Climate Response to Arctic Ocean Freshening, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L06713, 2006, 2.01 Mb
- Rahmstorf, S. et al., Thermohaline circulation hysteresis, a model intercomparison, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L23605, 2006, 0.21 Mb
- Stouffer R.J, et al, Investigating the Causes of the Response of the Thermohaline Circulation to Past and Future Climate Changes, Journal of Climate, 9, 1365-1387, 2006, 3.37 Mb
- Stuhne, G.R , and W.R. Peltier,2006 A robust unstructured grid discretization for 3-dimensional hydrostatic flows in spherical geometry - A new numericalstructure for ocean general circulation modeling, J. Comp. Phys., 2006, 1.31 Mb
- Tarasov, L. and W. R. Peltier, A calibrated deglacial drainage chronology for the North American continent - Evidence of an Arctic trigger for the Younger Dryas, Quat. Sci. Rev., 2006, 1.07 Mb
- Viau, A., K. Gajewski, M Sawada and P Fine, Mean-continental July temperature variability in North America during the past 14,000 years, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres 111, D09102, doi10.10292005JD006031, 2006, 3.27 Mb
- Wasiuta, Norman, and Marshall, Spatial patterns and seasonal variation of snow, Ann. Glac., 2006, 0.04 Mb
- Yang, D., P.G. Myers, and A.B.G. Bush, 2006 Sensitivity of the sub-polar North Atlantic to LGM surface forcing and sea-ice distribution in an eddy-permitting regional ocean model, Paleoceanography, 21, 2006, 0.45 Mb
- Zhao, H. and G.W.K. Moore, Reduction in Himalayan snow accumulation and weakening of the trade winds over the Pacific since 1850, Geophysical Research Letters, 33, 2006, 0.26 Mb
- Zhao, H. and G.W.K. Moore, Timescale dependancy of spatial patterns in the variability of the Northern Hemisphere winter SLP field, Geophysical Research Letters, 33, 2006, 0.49 Mb
- Williams, J. W., B. Shuman, P. J. Bartlein, J. Whitmore, K. Gajewski, M. Sawada, T. Minckley, S. Shafer, A. E. Viau, T. Webb, III, P. M. Anderson, L. B. Brubaker, C. Whitlock, and O. K. Davis, Atlas of Pollen-Vegetation-Climate,2007, 3.28 Mb
- Bush, A.B.G., 2005 CO2-H2O and orbitally-driven climate variability over central Asia through the Holocene, Quaternary International, 136,2005, 0.74 Mb
- de Vernal, A. et al., Variability of sea ice cover in the Chukchi Sea (western Arctic Ocean) during the Holocene, Paleoceanography, 20, 2005, 2.53 Mb
- Gladstone R. M. et al PMIP. (inc. G. Vettoretti and W. R. Peltier), Mid-Holocene NAO A PMIP2 model intercomparison, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2005, 0.52 Mb
- Hendy, I.L, and T.F. Pedersen, Is pore water oxygen content decoupled from productivity on the California Margin Trace element - Results from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 1017E, San Lucia slope, California, Paleoceanography, 2005, 0.35 Mb
- Justino, F. W.R. Peltier, The glacial North Atlantic Oscillation, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L21803, 2005, 2.19 Mb
- Justino, F., A. Timmermann, U. Merkel, W.R. Peltier, An Initial Intercomparison of Atmospheric and Oceanic Climatology for the ICE-5G and ICE-4G Models of LGM Paleotopography, Journal of Climate, 19, 3-14, 2005, 1.74 Mb
- Kargel, J.S., M.J. Abrams, M.P. Bishop, A. Bush, and other co-authours, Multispectral Imaging Contributions to Global Land Ice Measurements from Space, Remote Sensing of the Enviroment, 99,2005, 15.9 Mb
- Matthiessen, J., et al., Modern organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts in Arctic marine environments and their (paleo-) environmental significance, Palontologische Zeitschrift, 79(1),3-51, 2005, 5.22 Mb
- Peltier, W. R., On the Hemispheric Origins of Meltwater Pulse 1a, Quaternary Science Reviews, 24, 1655-1671, 2005, 0.87 Mb
- Tarasov, L. and W.R. Peltier, Arctic Freshwater Forcing of the Younger-Dryas Cold Reversal, Nature, 435, 662-665, 2005, 0.22 Mb
- Wang, L. et al., Melt season duration on Canadian Arctic ice caps, 2000-2004, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, 2005, 0.22 Mb
- Whitmore, J, K Gajewski, M Sawada, JW Williams, T Minckley, B Shuman, PJ Bartlein, T Webb III, AE Viau, S Shafer, P Anderson, L Brubaker. 2005. A North American Modern Pollen Database for Multi-scale Paleoecological, QSR,2005, 2.25 Mb
- Pons-Branchu, E., et al., Dating and early diagenetic evolution of a recent deep sea coral (Lophelia pertusa) from the Eastern Atlantic (Sea of the Hebrides) inferred from U-Th-226Ra and 14C systematics. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 69, 4865-4879, 2006, 0.66 Mb